Agencies & Permissions

Contacts & Advice

Whether you are shooting a short film or a big budget feature, there are certain permissions and clearances required. We have compiled a list of contacts and some basic advice covering these areas. If you are looking to get clearance for closing a road or shooting in a National Park, the following information should point you in the right direction. If you wish to film in Galway in a public space you will need permission. Galway is divided into two regions each of which is governed by separate Local Authorities, Galway City Council and Galway County Council.


Galway is divided into seven districts and if you wish to request a Garda presence during filming you must submit a written application to the Superintendent in charge of the relevant district. You will be requesting Gardaí to be engaged in duty of a non-public nature and there is a fee for this service. It is advisable to make contact as early as possible in the planning process and to cc the Garda Chief Superintendent at the below address as a matter of protocol. The following contacts list all the districts in Galway.

Chief Superintendent (Overseas, all 7 districts)
An Garda Síochána
Galway Garda Station
Mill Street
+353 (0)91 538011
Superintendent (Galway District)
An Garda Síochána
Galway Garda Station
Mill Street
+353 (0)91 538016
Superintendent (Salthill District)
An Garda Síochána
Salthill Garda Station
Dalysfort Road
+353 (0)91 514727
Superintendent (Clifden District)
An Garda Síochána
Clifden Garda Station
Galway Road
Co. Galway
+353 (0)95 22507
Superintendent (Tuam District)
An Garda Síochána
Tuam Garda Station
Abbeytrinity Rd
Co. Galway
+353 (0)93 70847
Superintendent (Gort District)
An Garda Síochána
Gort Garda Station
Barrack St
Co. Galway
+353 (0)91 842877
Superintendent (Loughrea District)
An Garda Síochána
Loughrea Garda Station
Barrack St
Co. Galway
+353 (0)91 842877
Superintendent (Ballinasloe District)
An Garda Síochána
Ballinasloe Garda Station
Dunlo Street
Co. Galway
+353 (0)90 9631897


GALCOCOlogobIf you wish to film in a public space in Galway county you should contact the Corporate and Cultural Affairs Unit in Galway County Council on + 353 91 509 310. Phone lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday or email:

The main contact is Anna Kyne who can also be directly contacted at 091 509 315 and


This office will liaise with the Area Engineer in the location you require and assist you. Public spaces include beaches, areas of recreation and public amenity, graveyards, etc and there is a fee of €65 per location.

It is advisable to contact the council about one month in advance of the shoot to give them time to liaise on your behalf with the area engineer in the desired location to ensure that everything is in order. As with all dealings with public agencies it is essential to have of your insurance details in order.

If you require a temporary road closure in Galway county please see the details in the Temporary Road Closure Explanatory Memorandum which includes information on Timescale ( a minimum of 8 weeks is required for requesting closure), Insurance, Fee, Expenses, Traffic Management, etc. A notice of intention must be published at least two weeks prior to the closure, in one or more newspapers circulating in the area and the Superintendent of the Gardai in the area must be notified in writing. The notice must describe the road, state the period of closure, the reason for closure, describe the alternative routes, and allow for objections to be made within a specified period of not less than three days from the date of publication of the notice. The Council must consider any objections or representations before an Order is made to close the road. The notice of decision must be published at least seven days prior to the closure and the Garda Superintendent notified in writing.

Also included here is the form for Application for Temporary Road Closure. For all queries in relation to roads please contact The Roads & Transportation Unit in Galway County Council on + 3353 91 509 309 or email

1. TemporaryRoadClosureExplanatoryMemorandum
2. ApplicationForTemporaryRoadClosure

Galway County Council
Áras an Contae
Prospect Hill
Tel: + 353 91 509 000


Galway_CoAGenerally speaking licences are required in two areas, open spaces and roads and this determines the type of permit you need. Below is a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Open Space Permit which details the insurance needed (Public Liability Insurance of €6.5million, Employers Liability Insurance of €13million, both to include a specific indemnity of Galway City Council), as well as details of Bond Deposit, Risk Assessment, Signage and Parking.

Also included is a copy of the Locations and scale of Charges Open Space Permit which outlines the scale of charges for bond deposits and site rental fees, and a copy of the Application Form for Open Space Permit.

1. TermsAndConditionsOfOpenSpacePermit
2. LocationsAndScaleOfChargesOpenSpacePermit
3. ApplicationFormForOpenSpacePermit

All enquiries should be directed to Maura Kelly, Staff Officer, Parks Section, Tel (091) 536 802, email and it is advisable to contact him at least one month in advance of shooting.

The Roads Section in Galway City Council deals with temporary road closures. If you wish to close a road you should apply in writing to Galway City Council outlining the following details:

* Name and address of applicant
* Name of road
* Date of proposed closure
* Proposed Alternative Routes

For further information contact either Deirdre Burke, Staff Officer, Transport & Infrastructure Section, Tel (091) 894 310, or Breda Burke, Staff Officer, Tel (091) 894 313. Both Officers can be contacted on

There is no fee for the Temporary Closing of a Road, however, if the application is successful, an administrative fee may be charged to cover the cost of advertising the public notices relating to the road closure. If the application is successful, the applicant must ensure that the Ambulance, Fire Services and the Gardai are notified of the closure.

Galway City Council
City Hall
College Road
Tel: + 353 91 536 400

Galway City Harbour is managed by the Galway Harbour Company and the Harbour Master is:Captain Brian Sheridan,
Harbour Office,
New Docks,
Galway.Tel: +353 (0)91 561874 / 562329.
For further information visit or email

Coillte-Group-LogoMuch of Ireland’s woodland areas are owned and managed by Coillte, a commercial company which owns over one million acres of land, most of which is forested.

For information on these forests contact:

Brenda Molloy, Film/TV Events Liasion
Dublin Road,
Co. Wicklow.

Tel: +353 (0)87 989 0198  or +353 (0)1 201 1199

Email :



baiflea_109_fThe Film Galway Partnership is a group of organisations based in Galway city and county who work together to encourage, market, support and facilitate Film and Television production in Galway. It is spearheaded by Galway Film Centre in cooperation with Galway County Council and Galway City Council and aims to encourage, support and facilitate Film and Television production in Galway.

The Partnership has been endorsed by both the Galway County and City Development Boards and is made up of all of the key agencies who can support incoming productions. Included in the Partnership are The Irish Film Board / Bord Scannán na hÉireann, Galway County Council, Galway City Council, An Gárda Siochána, Galway Chamber of Commerce, Galway Airport, Fáilte Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Enterprise Ireland, Galway City & County Enterprise Board, Galway Film Centre, Galway Harbour Company, Coillte, National Parks & Widlife Service, and the Office of Public Works, National Monuments Section.

Through the collective resources of the core organisations the Partnership aims to:

*Provide production support through the provision of information and contacts to both indigenous and incoming Film and Television productions.

*Have a key senior person in each organisation who can help fast-track requests from Film and Television production companies and help productions overcome any logistical challenges they may encounter.

*Actively promote Galway as a well-resourced location and organise events and promotions to market the West nationally and internationally.

*Promote awareness in the region of the benefits of the Film and Television production on the wider economy and on cultural tourism.

*Ensure that Galway remains a “film friendly” location and work at developing this reputation.


OPW-logoThe Office of Public Works (OPW) has responsibility for the day-to-day running of all National Monuments, Historic Properties, Parks, Public Gardens and Inland Waterways. There are a number of sites of national importance in Galway including Athenry Abbey, Augnanure Castle, Connemara National Park, Coole Park, Dun Aonghasa and Portumna Castle & Gardens. For further information on these sites, including contact information, please visit

Main Contact: Fionnuala Parnell, Assistant Director, Heritage Services

Tel : 01 647 6914
Email :



There are a number of areas in Galway County that come under the control of The National Parks & Wildlife Service, including National Parks, Protected Sites, (including Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas) and Nature Reserves.

For details find out more on

All licensing applications should be made to John Maguire, contact details listed below.
The National Parks & Wildlife Service, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2.
Tel: +353 (0)1 8882000.

Main Contact:
John Maguire,
Higher Execuitve Officer,
Licensing Section,
Species Protection Unit

Tel : 042 9748 703
Email :


The Western Fisheries Region comprises all the inland river systems throughout County Galway. They can be contacted through:

The Western Fisheries Board,
The Weir Lodge,
Earl’s Island,

Tel: +353 (0)91 563118

For further information visit or email


If you have any questions or need some information that you can’t find here please feel free to get in touch using the form below.

Contact Us

Full List of Film Galway Partnership Contacts
Galway County Council
Brian Barrett A/Senior Executive Officer 091 476 506
Marilyn Gaughan Arts Officer 091 476 504
Public Spaces Permits Corporate and Cultural Affairs Unit 091 509 310
Temporary Road Closures The Roads & Transportation Unit 091 509 309
Galway City Council
Patricia Philbin A/Senior Executive Officer 091 536 555
James C. Harrold Arts Officer 091 536 546
Mairead Curran Staff Officer, Parks Section 091 536 802
Deirdre Burke Staff Officer, Transport 091 894 310
Breda Burke Staff Officer, Transport 091 894 313
An Garda Siochána
Sgt Peadar Ryan Community Officer 091 538 079
Galway Chamber of
Michael Coyle CEO 091 895 106
Galway Airport
Michael Moloney Marketing Manager 091 755 569
Fáilte Ireland
Fiona Monaghan Head Of Operations 091 537 700
Údarás na Gaeltachta
Miriam Ní Néill Enterprise & Employment Executive 091 503 100
Enterprise Ireland
Seamus Bree Regional Director 091 735 900
Galway City  &
County Enterprise Board
Breda Fox CEO 091 565 269 breda@galwayenterprise,ie
Galway Film Centre
Declan Gibbons Manager 091 770 748
Galway Harbour Company
Cpt Brian Sheridan Captain 091 561 874
Irish Film Board /
Bord Scannán na hÉireann
Naoise Barry Film Commissioner 091 561 398
Mags O’Sullivan Deputy Film Commissioner 091 561 398
Tony Clarke District Manager 086 2532 300
National Parks &
Wildlife Service
John Maguire Higher Executive Officer 042 9748 703
Licencing Section
Office of Public Works,
National Monuments Section
Fionnuala Parnell Assistant Director, 01 647 6914
Heritage Services